Analytical method of content for dv acid chloride technical 二氯菊酰氯含量分析方法
A dynamic model of potentiostatic relaxation current oscillation of gold electrodissolution in acid chloride solution 金电极外控电压阳极溶解过程中非连续型电化学振荡的动力学分析
4 - testing of paper and board ; testing for antimicrobial additives ; determination of 2 - oxo - 2 4 ' - hydroxyphenyl acethydroximic acid chloride content 纸和纸板的检验.抗微生物添加剂的检验. 2 -氧代- 2
Batch chloration plant of synthesizing - chloro t - butyl carboxylic acid chloride was improved by using continuous liquid phase method 摘要利用连续液相氯化法对一套间歇氯化法生产-氯代特戊醯氯的装置进行改造。
Deposition mechanism of electroless plating tin in acid chloride solutions was analyzed theoretically , and three steps were summed up , including period of replacement reaction , coexistence periods of copper - tin codeposition and self - catalyzed deposition , and period of self - catalyzed deposition 从理论上系统地分析了酸性氯化物化学镀锡的沉积机理,将其归纳为置换反应期、铜锡共沉积与自催化沉积共存期和自催化沉积期三个阶段。